Online Training
Online modules are broken down in small videos to make it easier to spend a few minutes here and there to finish them. The system keeps track of where you last left off, so you will not 'lose' work and have to repeat the module. The advantages of online training are that it is free, at your own pace, and whenever it is convenient for you. If you are up at 2 am, training is available 24/7. Not all training is available online.
In-person Training
In-person training typically sees you trained 100% for your position, but there are trade offs. In-person training is conducted at a specific location, on a specific date, a specific time, and there is usually a cost associated with that. However, it's important to remember that in-person training enables you to ask questions and built a network with other scout volunteers in and around the council.
Position Specific Training Facilitator Guides
The Cub Scout Instructor Syllabus and Scouts BSA Instructor Syllabus links are shown below. Each syllabus is for Trainers to accomplish position specific training and provide information and tools needed to conduct a successful program. Here are direct links to each syllabus:
Cub Scout Instructor Syllabus (2024 printing)
Scouts BSA Instructor Syllabus (2021 printing)
BALOO (2018 printing)
IOLS (2018 printing)
Train The Trainer Facilitator Materials
Guide to Leader Training (2018 printing) - An introduction to the basic council and district responsibilities for volunteer leader training. There is no associated course for this manual.
Fundamentals of Training (2024 printing) - The first part of the three-part train-the-trainer continuum (T3) in Scouting and is intended for both youth and adult trainers.
The Trainers EDGE (2024 printing) - The Trainer’s EDGE course is to provide and help develop the platform skills of a trainer. It is meant to supplement the practice offered through Wood Badge and NYLT staff development, with a focus on the participant, while raising the level of skill a trainer brings to the staff experience.