Cub Camping

There are many places for Packs to go camping.

The Bob White Lodge Where to Go Camping Guide is a great resource.

The Georgia-Carolina Council also provides several organized camping programs for Cub Scouts to enhance your Pack's program. 

Cub Day Camp

Day Camp is open to all registered Cub Scouts (including Kindergarten graduates). 2024 will be held at the Nature and Adventure Center July 14 - 19


Council-Lead Family Camping

These weekend-long campouts are for all levels of Cub Scouts and their families. Activities include shooting sports, crafts, Scout skills, and a campfire program. These include Spook-O-Ree and Cub Fun Day.

Webelos Camping 

These events include Webeloree and Webelo Resident camps and are tailored to the older Cub Scouts (4th Grade Webelo and 5th grade AOL). These are intended to help the older Scouts work on their rank and learn about the transition to Scouting America.

Pack-Lead Family Camping

  • Family camping is available at the Nature and Adventure Center and Knox Scout reservation. As part of your Pack's annual plan, each Pack should include at least one well-organized "pack overnighter" for Cub Scouts and their families. Well-planned, organized overnighters at the pack level help fulfill the promise made to our Cub Scouts.

Position Name Telephone
Executive Assistant & Registrar Rebecca Stiles (706) 733-5277 x105 Email